Month: March 2016

Little Green Dress

Little Green Dress

 I’m not exactly a lover of green but this particular green dress tickled my fancy. It was gifted me by a special being so I guess that contributed to my new found love for limited shades of green. We’ve got different shades of green going on in the pictures (chuckling). […]

White roses

White roses

 The white rose has an incredibly rich history. For many years, it has been the symbol of innocence and purity. It is awe-inspiring how it has been a fitting “noble prize” among friends  and loved ones in recognizing new beginnings and bidding farewell to the old. Well well well…that brings […]

Street to the office

Street to the office

 Lunchtime is never early enough, on this day it couldn’t have taken longer to show up. This is capturing the story of a young lady in an office that requires her to work 9-5 everyday excluding Sundays which is practically the only day off from the office.