If there's a tiny chance you've noticed, the days have become shorter, the sun no longer rises at 3:30 am, and neither sets at 10pm, which only means summer is gradually coming to an end. No doubt that these last days would be for reminiscing, re-living the summer via pictures, preparing for the new school year or even planning a last minute summer vacation, which by the way is lucrative because you get to save some bucks. This is one of those numerous times when the queues at stationery and departmental stores get so long. One might need to make the measuring tap ten times longer to measure just one queue. It is also the time when those of us in extremely cold climates start saying see you next year to most summer wears. I guess for summer to be completely appreciated in some parts of the world, the cold has to come first. The good news is before the extremely cold weather shows up, there's the artistically beautiful weather which comes with a variety of beautiful colours curated by the weather god. Autumn or fall as you may, comes bearing coats of many colours, textures and fabrics of all sorts. As we speak right now, velvets, laces and pinstripes are already cleaning house and sending their summer counterparts into hiding. The autumn months are usually bittersweet for me because: a) I'm going back to school and school work; b) Christmas period is close. This time around, it's more sweet than it is bitter with just a little drop of the bitter pill just because it means I'm going to be only nine months away from becoming a graduate ****Yaaaaayy****. So I'm resuming with gusto. Just before that happens, I wanted to capture these summer pieces that can easily be transitioned into autumn and are definitely great trends for autumn 2016: black lace and burgundy. Perhaps, summer is gone but it doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on a new wardrobe. You could still incorporate some of your summer pieces into your autumn wardrobe to get the perfect looks at no cost at all. Pieces like lace work very well under autumn coats and jackets for warmer days and indoor events. I paired it with a purse in the same colour palette and some accents of gold and the black strappy sandals you are probably tired of seeing. For the earrings, I decided to break the gold circle with a touch of white. It looked good and something you should try. Burgundy brings to mind the fact that it's almost time to start lounging under the rainbow trees with coffee or tea in hand and fallen leaves high up to the ankles (if you ask me, this is the best tea party season, you're welcome)…alright, I'm drifting away into imagination, till next time enjoy the last days of summer.