The bustling noise of the subway and the demeanour of the people getting on it could catch anyone's attention. At least it did catch mine. Encountering people on the platform during rush hour is like a free hour of stand up comedy. Talk about the disagreements between senior citizens that have never met or will never even meet each other again... fascinating. Most times well meaning but sometimes just contradictory personalities. Or would you rather talk about the drunk that has taken a whole compartment to themselves as if they placed a reservation for it that the rest of the passengers were unaware of. One thing though that all these people have in common is that at some point they got on the train and will eventually get of it likewise. The true story of my favourite colours can be likened to that. They keep popping in and out of my life momentarily. Back in primary school if I recall correctly, I had a lineup of colours which made it to favourite's list. I grew older and just like the people on the subway they began dropping out one after the other. It's funny how I acclaimed those colours as the chosen ones yet I couldn't boast of having any stuff in those colours safe for pink (the universal girly colour). Peach. Colour or fruit always rings a bell. Do I like the colour? Yes. And the fruit? Not so much. The case this time is completely different, I can boast of at least two peach coloured things. Evidently these tops. The first is a simple but somewhat flattering top with a band at the waist region to accentuate the waist. I paired it with a red pencil skirt and black pumps (just because when you are in doubt, wear black). The second is a long sleeve top with a zip in front. It is free fitting which I love so much. I paired it with a zip front pencil skirt with the proportions in mind. Because of the double zip situation which could make the outfit a little busier than it should be, I turned it into a zip back skirt. Accessorised with a wine coloured purse and coral pink shoes. Bringing the look together with a little bit of gold on the shoes, purse and jewellery. Peach is here to stay this time. What is your take on colours? Would love to know down below.