I love to dream big because why not, dreams do come true, accompanied with an inexplicable feeling of gratitude. The good thing about dreaming is that it is free and easily accessible. The dream life is the outcome of the dream and steps undertaken to achieve it. Perhaps you've been dreaming for far too long, ever considered taking it up a notch and just living the life already? It doesn't matter if you are 18, 30 or 50 years old, if you really want to live the life you've always wanted and admired, you can. You just have to want it bad enough to strike the chord of dissatisfaction with your current situation. Fear, anything, or anyone shouldn't be the reason you aren't living that dream life. You might not have it all yet but you can start from somewhere. Here are a few steps on how to achieve your dream life.

Picture What Your
Dream Life Looks Like
Imagine what you want your life to be like in one, two or five years from now. What would you want to have achieved? What places would you want to have visited? What new skills would you want to have acquired and developed? What books would you have read/written? How much would you have made, given and saved? How spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically fit would you want to be? These are just a few questions that could jiggle your mind on the kind of life you want just in case you had no idea about the kind of life you want for yourself. The best way to figure that out is to write them down and give specific answers to them as it will help make your dreams become more lucid rather than being clustered in your brain. Don't just answer the questions but be clear about what you want your dream life to look like. Make sure everything in your imagination is feeding off of each other in order to get rid of every disorientation.

Believe In
Your Dreams
One’s first and worst critic is usually oneself. At some point you might scold yourself for dreaming the way you are because it seems unrealistic but that is just the natural critic in you at work. Tune out the outward and inward critics. People will talk you down but it's only fair they do because we have different perspectives, hence the difference in our outcomes. Yes, some dreams could be big enough to scare you but don't let fear cripple you. Most times, it is easier to believe in other people's dreams than it is to believe in one's dreams, but have faith in your dreams. It will keep you going in order to achieve the dream life you've always wanted. Don't allow the lack of motivation and anxiety cut your dreams short. It’s only a phase and that too shall pass.
Take Realistic Steps
Towards Achievement
If you need a vision board for this, go ahead and create one. Clip pictures of the places you want to visit, notes about things you want to do, etc. Focus on achieving the life of your dreams, don't become sidetracked by secondary activities. Don't try to do too many things at once, you'll be spread too thin. By now, you should have answered the questions in the first point. So let's say you want to have a certain amount of money in your savings by a particular time, start working at it. You don't have to have the highest paid job in the world to do that. Even if you have no job at the moment, create one. Offer your services and put a price tag on them. Discipline yourself and cut down on expenses that aren't all that necessary. Set long-term or short-term goals and make sure to achieve them. In just a short time you'll have something to be proud of.
Connect With
Others Like You
Like they say, no man is an island. Seek like-minded people and discuss your goals, plans and ideas with them. If you have to mirror the actions of the successful people that have been down the path you chose to walk, do it. If you need to start up a business that requires a huge capital, partner with people like you to set the ball rolling.
Start living every day and not simply just existing. That will definitely steer you towards the direction of your dream life. Consciously assess and remove anything or anyone that might pose itself as a roadblock to achieving your dream life. I hope this was helpful and helped anyone that may have been looking. We learn every day so leave your thoughts below, I'd love to learn from you too. All the best in life.
People are always blaming circumstances for what they are.
I don't believe in circumstances.
The people who get ahead in this world are the people
who get up and look for the circumstances they want,
and if they can't find them, make them.
∼ George Bernard Shaw.